The Darkness Pt. 4

Casey Crook
11 min readMay 24, 2021


[Part 3 can be found here

At the end of Part 3, Carl reunited with his guide and companion Wormy. The two worked out what Carl needed next and the players voted with an emoji from the video game Hades.]

A wide circular room. An ornate stone floor sectioned off with inlaid designs lit by sunlight pouring in from a skylight.

A flower. A cloud. A blank space. A rock. A squiggle. And in front of me, the design of a turtle.

“W h o C a l l e d T h i s M e e t i n g?” [Who called this meeting?] I hear from the direction of the blank space.

A large worm crashes from the alcove designated with a squiggle. “’Twas not I. Nor do I know the meeting’s purpose.” The voice seethes with impossible rage despite having very proper word choices.

A tall, six-legged cervid steps forth from the cloud. He holds one of his legs off the ground; he’s injured. His voice just seems to happen around him. It was an accident.

A familiar voice calls from the alcove next to mine. “YOU!” The Gardener’s hands crash against an invisible barrier. “YOU HORRID LITTLE CREATURE HOW DARE YOU-”

All of the figures turn to me.

A massive rock sits in the alcove designated with a rock sits unmoving.

Now now Gardener. No need to get emotional. You know how this space was created. We cannot harm one another here. Introduce yourself.

“Um. Hey. I’m Carl. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do, um… whatever is happening here.” I motion back into my alcove. “I can just, uh- I can just… be on my way.”

The worm thrashes. “No, knave, I am afraid we are bound here until the business for which you summoned us is resolved.”

“A l l O f U s.” [All of us]

The Gardener claws against the barrier.

So it seems it was you. Why have you called to order the Council of Old Gods?

:shield: I need armor.

🙏 “You ever played Hades? I was kinda hoping I might receive some kind of- I dunno, blessing or boon or something?”

❓ “I don’t even know how I would’ve possibly done that. I don’t even know who most of you are!”

⚫️ Well. Sucks that you’re here, I guess, but I better uhhhhh… submit to the darkness.

Or something else.


“So I think that I’m here because I need Armor.”

“Hah!” The worm laughs. “The little turtle needs armor! Whatever for? You are built of armor!”

“I, uh- I don’t actually know why I need Armor, or what kind I need. I was just told that I need Armor.”

We are now called to order. The business before the Council is that the turtle needs Armor. We will move in order starting with The Gardener.

“Ah, of course. I have but one question for our little beckoner here and it’s this:” She moves closer to me. Now, in the light, I can see her more clearly.

Her head contains a single large eye with a mouth hidden along the neck. Her torso is a large cocoon-like structure made of vines, silks, and leaves cobbled together with countless arms growing from underneath. Wings sprout from her back.

“Why should we give you anything when you’ve taken so much?

“I’m sorry wh-”

“Ah! An apology? An admission of guilt then?” The Gardener turns away from being threateningly close and looks to the others.

“Wait, n-”

“I move before the Council that we transition to a criminal hearing for the crimes of destruction of divine property.”

“S e c o n d e d,” [Seconded] the mysterious void chimes in.

“Hold on. Crimes of what?”

The motion stands before the Council to try Carl the Turtle for crimes of destruction of divine property. Council, how do you vote?

All in favor? Four vote. All oppose?


All abstain? The rock waits.

That’s four in favor with one abstain. Motion carries. We shall now put on trial Carl the Turtle for the crimes of destruction of divine property. Carl, how do you plea?

“Not guilty! I don’t even know what’s happening right now!”

The Council notes your plea. You may begin your defense.

Where do I even begin?

❓ “Why am I even on trial? I don’t even understand what I’m charged with!”

🔪 “Nah, screw this! I’m cutting my way out!”

⚫️ “I motion that you all are losers and that I am outta here.”

Or something else.


I hold Wormy in my hand in preparation of my defense. I watch as the worm dances around and the rest fades away.

Why isn’t that one saying anything?

I look to the rock. “Hmm… good question,” I whisper back to Wormy.

What did the defendant say?

“Oh!” I clear my throat. “I, uh-” I look to the rock.

The rock hums.

The world around me jolts away and I am standing nowhere with the rock before me, lit by a single star.

“I’m sorry you’ve stumbled into the petty squabbles of the Old Gods, but I can hold us here a moment. Only for a moment.”

“Wher- How?”

“We don’t have time for that, Carl.”

“How do you know my name?”

“You said it just a second ago.”

“Oh yeah…”

“I know you don’t remember. There’s a plague on this place, metaphorically. The darkness hides you from the stars and from your past. It doesn’t do it with malice; it just is.

“We have accustomed ourselves to shaping that force. I pray the same doesn’t befall you.”


“It’s a curse, and not just because we need structures in place to avoid destroying one another. We’ve lost everything else to the darkness. Only one of us has ever found a way to go back from this fate.

“She is the one you seek, but I do not know where she has fled.”

“How do you-”

“Hold on.” The rock hums.

“They’re catching on. We only have another moment. You have to play along with their game, okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“Just trust me. Deflect. They hate each other more than they could ever hate you. Use that.”


“-you.” I look around.

“Me? You’re calling on me for your defense?” The Gardener laughs.

“No! No, I am getting my bearings, sorry.”

I fiddle with Wormy a bit more.

Didn’t she mention an ex-husband? Presumably he’s here…

I look around.

Who can I direct The Gardener’s rage toward?

:rock: The rock.

⚫️ The void where an Old God might be.

🐛 Big Angry Worm.

☁️ The Master of Mists.

🌻 The Gardener.

Or somewhere else.


“I’m sorry. I just- Can the Chair please clarify what I am charged of destroying?”

A Starseed Oak and its contents.

The Gardener shuffles, eager for her turn.

“And who was the owner of this tree?”

Me. “Me!” The Gardener and Master of Mists answer at once.

“Oh? Well, which is it? Was it joint ownership?”

The Gardener scoffs. The Void speaks, “H e r e W e G o…” [Here we go…]

“What’s that supposed to mean? He was trying to steal it from me! I owned it! I grew it!”

The Master stomps his hoof on the stone floor. Order! That is not the matter of discussion on the floor.

“I’m sorry but it just seems that I should best direct my defense towards the allegations of the former owner (or owners) of the affected property.”

“Oh we’re going to be here some time, I see…” The worm writhes.

“I’d like to motion that we change the subject of discussion to the matter of who owned the destroyed property.”

The Master sighs. No, you can’t-

“I would like to motion to prove that it was MY tree that this cretin destroyed!”

No, hold on. We-

“Seconded.” Calls a voice from the rock.

The Council is silent. The Master pauses a moment and then taps his hoof once more.

It seems we have a motion to change our topic. Before voting, I’d like to open up the floor for discussion of if we should change the topic to such an ancient debate or to let personal matters remain off the table for discussion.

“I don’t mean to open up old wounds. I just need more information.”

“Yes, DEAR, why don’t you tell him about MY tree? Maybe we can avoid this whole secondary topic?”

Now. What if instead, we pulled back on the charges. Would that satisfy you Carl? We can call for a re-vote and see if any of this is still necessary.

Wormy speaks to me.

It sounds like you changed his vote. If they vote now, we can hope that the rock (if they vote), the Master and yourself (if your vote counts) would cancel out the other three votes (assuming none of the others also changed their minds. We don’t know what happens in a tie and we also don’t know if we’ll get another shot at this vote.

What’s the strategy?

📥 “Let’s vote now, then!”

🌻 See if I can change The Gardener’s vote.

:rock: See if I can assure the rock will vote.

⚫️ See if I can change the void’s vote.

🐛 See if I can change Big Angry Worm’s vote.

Second highest vote determines my strategy.

Or something else.

:rock: 🐛

Okay first, I’m not sure if the rock will vote. Hmm, how can I check?

“Hey, Big Angry Worm, while they’re bickering, can you tell me about the rock?”

Sosa is most often silent, but will interact when she deems it most necessary.”

“So if hypothetically, her vote might force a tie, I could count on her?”

“I do not know why she would intercede on your behalf, but if she did truly care for you, then yes, I can assume that she would prefer a tie vote to a full criminal trial.”

Hmm, that’s good news, in a sense. So, if Sosa feels it’s urgent enough (and if she cares about my well being), she’ll step in, but that’s a lot of ifs. She did help me earlier, though…

What’s the next step?

📥 “Let’s vote now, then!”

🌻 See if I can change The Gardener’s vote.

⚫️ See if I can change the void’s vote.

🐛 See if I can change Big Angry Worm’s vote.

Second highest vote determines my strategy.

Or something else.


Hmm, what’s the deal with this missing Old God? I look to the space marked with a blank.


I feel a chill on my neck and turn. I catch something in the corner of my eye.

I feel a laugh. Not mine. Instead, it’s like someone is laughing at my expense. Somewhere…

I call to the space, “What is your name?”

I hear a response, but I’m not sure from where. “ ️|| || .” It’s like a name is said but no words are spoken or heard.

I feel a smile. They’re enjoying this.

“It’s, uh- It’s nice to meet you.”

Pieces of voices respond all around me. Y o u A r e C o n f l i c t e d .” [You are conflicted.]

“Yeah, I, uh- I had a question: Can we all make things? Like- I made this hand, from a tub of blood? Maybe I also made the tub; I dunno. I was curious if this was normal.”

A familiar giggle sends a shiver up my spine.

hEh hEhE

“ Y e s . O f C o u r s e S o m e A r e B e t t e r T h a n O t h e r s .”

“Oh, I suppose you’re one of the better ones, then?” I see a shadow dance in the corner of my eye.

The hoof beats. Enough cross-chatter. Carl, what is your decision?

📥 “I think I’ll take you up on the offer to re-vote on my charges.”

Or something else.


“Let’s vote.”

Then the motion before the Council is whether or not to pursue charges against Carl the Turtle for destruction of divine property. We will vote “yay” or “nay” one at a time starting with The Gardener.


Then myself. He glances at The Gardener, who is glaring at him, then to me. Nay. Big Angry Worm, you’re next.

The worm thrashes. “Yay.”

Carl, the defendant?


Sosa Elftower?

… That brings us to two in favor; two oppose; one abstain. || || is next.

“ H m m . . .” I feel the impression of a person holding their hand to their chin and thinking with a coy smile.

I look in their direction and feel them dodge my perception, but I know they are endeared to the fact that I tried.

How do you vote?

The hand waves with a sly smirk.

“ N a y .” [Nay.]

“No!” cries The Gardener.

The hoof beats. With a majority vote, we will not discuss the alleged crimes of Carl the Turtle, which will bring us back to the business of Carl’s Armor. What say you, Carl?

“So, I, um, would appreciate some sort of Armor. What if I can provide something to help offset the cost?”

Oh? What offering to you bring before The Council?


Or something else.

[what won was a gif of a cat playing bongos]

I reach into my pack. “So I’ve got this, uh- .gif of a cat. It’s very cute.”

The worm thrashes. “AH HA HA HA HA This is your offering?!”

Hold on, Big Angry Worm, I think he’s on to something…

“Yes… It is… very cute…” The Gardener moves closer, entranced.

“Surely you cannot be serious! It is just a cat!”

“ B u t I t I s V e r y C u t e . . .” [But it is very cute…]

“Oh no, not you, too…”

“So I can just leave this with The Council in exchange for some Armor?”

They look to each other; the worm is clearly not having it, but the others are considering.

“Maybe if you, um… Leave the cat with us as payment and we can use some other materials you provide us to fashion armor for you. Surely The Council will find that equitable?”

Most certainly.

The rock hums.

What do I offer them to make my Armor out of?

[a custom emoji of a vial of “Magic goo” won]

I sift through my pack for another offering. “So I’ve got this, um- goo.” I set the vial before The Council.

Magic Goo?!

“Where did you even get this?” asks The Gardener.

I shrug. “I don’t remember.”

“Well… we can certainly work with this.”

“ H o l d S t i l l .” [Hold still.]

“Wha-” I start to float into the center of the room.

“We wouldn’t want to miss and mess up that pretty little face of yours.”

We need to work our magic.

“It’ll be alright, Carl,” Sosa speaks directly to me. “At least.

“I hope.”

It seems he has connection to a star. We can use that.

“Only one? HA He still has much to learn.”

I lift higher.

I close my eyes.

And I dream.

What do I see?

[a custom emoji of a blue-footed booby won]

Crashing waves. See my destination,
Sea foam and sunshine and rocky beach.
A different wave: jubilation
Washes over me; I might reach,
Finally, the place fought so hard for!
Across the beach, marching birds beseech
Other awkward marching birds through chores,
Rituals that endanger their lives
To show their love they could survive war.
Bright blue feet, the courtier contrives,
Magnetize danger, and imperil love:
Law of wild, only the strongest survives.
Silly bird. How hard you work for love

When you could simply steal the labor of another.

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