The Darkness Pt. 2

Casey Crook
34 min readApr 13, 2021

[Part 1 can be found here]

I look to the valley ahead. I see a small stream that leads around a bend in the valley, several freshly dug up burrows, a few more of the scattered yummy bushes.

What now?

▶️ Head forward through the valley.

~~eye~~ ⚫️ Look around where I am.

◀️ Head back to another area.

⚫️ Submit to the darkness.

Or something else.

[The winning option was two custom emoji of frogs with magic caps looking with stars in their eyes.]

🔦 also received over 10 results.

I grab my flashlight, ready my pack and prepare to move on.

“Um, excuse me, fair adventurer.”

I turn and see a small frog. Many others peek from behind rocks and various hiding spaces.

“We wanted to thank you for getting rid of those terrible mean hyenas that destroyed our burrows.”

“Oh! Of course! No problem! I was, uh. I was mentally calling them Meeanas.”

“Like a portmanteau of mean and hyenas, pronounced me-EEN-uhs?”

“Yeah, exactly that.”

“That’s very clever.”

“Thank you.” The lead frog pauses and then clears their throat.

“Anyway, I am the High Priestess of the Short Clan of ||xxxxxxx|| Valley. We appreciate the service you have done for us. With the power vested in me, I will bestow upon you one Blessing in addition to allowing you the opportunity to refill your canteen from our sacred stream.”

[I will use my flashlight when I move next.]

What Blessing do they provide me?

[There was a 3-way tie between a vial of sparkling goo, a gif of a cat playing bongos, and an emoji of a turtle holding a knife with the trans flag overlaid on it.]

The High Priestess closes her eyes and begins to hum. The frogs join her one by one.

“Great adventurer, we bestow upon you three gifts.

“The first: This vial of goo we found.”

“Oh wow, thank you! What does it do?” She shrugged and I put it in my pack.

“Next, we bestow upon you a gift of champions, something only the greatest of saviors of the Short Clan of the ||xxxxxxx|| Valley may-”

“The what Vall-” Another frog croaks to cut me off. The High Priestess clears her throat.

“So, a gift of heroes. A true Blessing for one’s heart, mind, soul, and body.” I shift my feet and clench my fists.

“This picture of a cat playing bongos.” A frog hands me a picture of a cat playing bongos. It’s very cute.

“It’s very cute,” I say.

“It is VERY cute.” We nod. “Anyway, so thank you for saving us. Feel free to get some water and-”

“Wait. Sorry, High Priestess. Ma’am. Didn’t you say there were three gifts?”

“Oh! Yes, of course. I was forgetting about the thing. The other one. Come here and kneel before me.” She gestures for another frog to grab something.

“Your journey has brought you here, little adventurer, so it must be of the utmost importance.

“And your journey still has many perils yet to come, so you must prepare yourself. You must be fortified against dangers of all kinds: Emotional, martial, gender-related, cardiovascular-”

“Ok some of those seem kinda-” Another frog angrily croaks at me. The High Priestess pulls out a paper and puts glasses on her head. I ignore the fact that the lenses do not reach her eyes.

“I can maybe skip a few of these… Kneel and close your eyes.

“With these gentle head pats I embue you with the magic necessary to bond with this ancient knife. You may open your eyes.”

Before me is a knife on a pillow. The knife is striped blue, white, and pink. “Sick.”

“This sick ass knife shall protect you in a bunch of ways that are important.”

“Thank you, High Priestess… Wait, what’s-” Over a dozen more stars now dot the sky, giving everything a soft blue glow.

“That’s unrelated, just a coincidence. We didn’t do that. It happens sometimes.”

“Huh. Weird.”

“Yeah. Alright, now get out of here.”

“Yeah. Right, time to go.”

I refill my canteen and take a drink.

[I am now Well Hydrated. I am no longer Shaken.]

Where now?

▶️ Head forward through the valley.

◀️ Head back to another area.

⚫️ Submit to the darkness.

Or something else.


I head forward through the valley. I take out my flashlight and shine it around looking for things of note. I’m not exactly sure why, but with the additional stars, I can definitely be more liberal with using it.

I start to hum a song I don’t remember as I hike along the stream.

I’m not sure what lies ahead, but for the moment, it’s nice to be moving.

I pause a couple of times as I follow the water. I’m careful not to push myself on account of my Tummy Ache. I take in the sights of this strange place while being careful not to leave a trace. (Other than the bush I destroyed and the predators I disrupted)

The stream leads softly downhill from the geothermal formations to a river. Or maybe it’s considered a creek? I’m not sure how wide it needs to be to be considered a river.

To my left the river leads to the lake, where it may be easier to cross, but I remember the lake was wavy and potentially had creatures in it.

To my right, the second ridge butts up against the river, leaving a steep incline. With my light I’m able to see some stones I can hop on further up the ridge.

🏊 Swim across the river.

🌊 Go to the lake.

:climbing: Go to the ridge hopping stones.

⚫️ Submit to the darkness.

Or something else.

:climbing: :knot:

I head to the ridge and pull out my climbing gear.

Instead of walking along the precariously steep riverside I am able to traverse between several flat rocks jutting from the cliff face. This gives me time and space to take things at my pace and to practice proper climbing safety.

My elevation gives me a beautiful view of a wide field filled with various strange life forms. I also see that the river drops sharply several yards ahead.

As I traverse, something shuffles on the cliffside above me, knocking a few small rocks harmlessly down to me. I follow the rocks and see a nest on another platform below me. A few eggs sit unguarded.

I look up and see a silhouette peering down before they duck out of view.

▶️ Mind your business, Carl. Keep going ahead.

🐦 Climb down to the nest.

:person_climbing: Head up to the silhouette.

◀️ Abandon this path. Head back.

⚫️ Submit to the darkness.

Or something else.

:person_climbing: ▶️

Ok Carl, mind your business. Keep moving. I climb to the next platform. A few other rocks tumble down.

I look up and see the silhouette again before it hides again.

Hmm, that’s gonna bug me.

Or not.

Which is it?

▶️ Keep going. It’ll be fine.

:person_climbing: I gotta see what their deal is.


[Cw body horror, teeth, potential trypophobia / fear of the dark, fear of heights and falling]

Alright. Time to climb.

I start up, moving quickly and with purpose. I take several risky steps, but never dangerous ones. [I am Confident, Well Fed, Well Hydrated and Healthy.]

I’m nearing the top when I hear a creaking behind me. I turn to look, but… nothing.

I turn back and place my hand on the top of the ledge, right next to a fuzzy black foot. It laughs.

hEh hEhE

I look up and see a dark humanoid figure bending over me, pitch black and seemingly made of static. Across the black head splits a smile, a mouth full of molars. It gives another high pitched laugh.

It reaches a hand down to my head and pushes me from the cliff.

I’m still stunned as I head down towards the waters below.

But then I open my eyes and I see a familiar view of the field below lit by blue stars.

In front of me is my pack that was jostled open as I fell and the hand.

It pats me on the head twice and then retreats. “Wait!”

It continues toward the horizon as I call out, “Thank you!!”

I gather my things and notice something missing. “Oh no. Oh no!” I carefully peer over the ledge just in time to see my ⛺️ tent and camping supplies wash over the waterfall. [10 on 1d12]

“Aw beans.” I secure my pack and prepare to move on.

This ridge is covered in tall dense trees, but presumably I shouldn’t be too far from the GTF field that I camped by.

What now?

🚸 OK, new mission: Find that jerk kid and give them what’s coming to them! They definitely went further into the woods!

🌲 Explore into the forest.

🚦 Move carefully along the ledge. Harder to get lost when I can keep my bearings out here.

👁️ Take a moment to look around.

◀️ Head back to the crossroads.

⚫️ Submit to the darkness.

Or something else.

👁️ :nerd:

I pull out my binoculars and take a moment to look around.

Looking back to the lake, I see creatures thrashing about; probably good I avoided that mess. I can’t even remember if I can swim or not. Hmm, I’ll have to make a mental note to try that sometime.

Turning to the plains, I see a thriving ecosystem. Several grazers moving as a herd. Small creatures being chased to hiding spots. But, hmm. I look around.

I can’t see birds anywhere.

Further down, I see the river feeds into a waterfall. Just below that plateau appears to be some sort of swamp.

I scan the horizon. It looks like there are several mountains and ridges in the area.

I count 16 stars. Wait, no. One celestial body is moving way too fast to be a star. All of the others are perfectly still. Weird. Certainly nothing to worry about.

What now?

🚸 OK, new mission: Find that jerk kid and give them what’s coming to them! They definitely went further into the woods!

🌲 Explore into the forest.

🚦 Move carefully along the ledge. Harder to get lost when I can keep my bearings out here.

⚫️ Submit to the darkness.

Or something else.

🚦 🌠


Oh, no. That not-star is getting really close. Like, really close. Like… “oh, I better move” close.

I rush (carefully) along the cliff to get clear of whatever it is that is coming. [The highest vote count for a direction to move was for further down the ridge.]

The orb of red light curves and shoots down the river and lands in the swamp.

I take a beat and then eat some 🍃. Weird that that one was red and all the others are blue. Probably nothing.

I continue down this same path, until I reach the edge of the ridge.

Ahead I see a glow near a large tree at the center of the swamp. Behind me are dense woods.

:person_climbing: Use my climbing gear to get down to the swamp.

🌲 Head back into the forest.

💦 There’s definitely something behind this waterfall, right? I have no idea why I think this.

⚫️ Submit to the darkness.

Or something else.


[Cw fear of heights and falling, bugs, stinging]

There’s definitely something behind this waterfall, right? I have no idea why I think this.

Vines encroach from the swamp. They reach over the cliff’s edge, threatening the trees of the ridge.

I move to the edge of the ridge and I start down the cliff towards the waterfall. I grab onto the vines and rocks and work my way down.

A rock breaks the water halfway down. If there’s something, it’s got to be right under there.

I climb over and I jump to the rock. My foot slips.

I catch the ledge and fall into the alcove beneath the rock.

I have a moment to catch my breath. I see a sparkling green slug moving towards me. It bumps into my leg and my body recoils.

I lose my balance and the water takes me down.

Fate cannot reach you here.

The voice in my mind jolts me awake. I pull my head from the shallow waters. I hear the falls far behind me.

I put my hand to my temple. Doesn’t feel great, but thankfully no permanent harm. [I have a Headache.]

I check my pack. Thankfully everything seems to be in working order and nothing is missing. [17 on 1d20]

I look around. Wide, old trees covered by vines drip with moss.

The soil is wet. Mist lingers in every corner.

☁️ Head forward through the mist.

⚫️ Submit to the darkness.

No other options are allowed.

[The players reacted with a variety of additional emoji.]

A tall shadow passes between the trees.

A chill passes through the swamp.


☁️ Continue or ⚫️ Submit.

No other options are allowed.

[The players reacted with a variety of additional emoji.]

I look around and see the shadow between the trees.

It stands firm on six long, hoofed feet. It leans its face towards me. Its antlers seem to pass between the trees unimpeded.

I don’t think you realize the gravity of your situation, Carl. You do not remember the significance of your quest.

You do not remember the danger you are in.

But you will.

☁️ Continue. Or ⚫️ Submit.

This is your final warning.

Was that so hard?

The head rises and the figure turns and disappears into the mist.

I let out a deep breath.

I glance around. I secure my pack and continue through the mist.

Now where…. was I going again?

Was it… this way?

That tree looks awfully familiar.

Ugh. Am I going in circles?

Okay, did I take… a left after this tree?

Or was it a right?

Ugh, how long have I been wandering this swamp?

I look around. I can’t see any wildlife. No small animals, no birds, no bugs. There don’t even seem to be small plants, just trees and vines. There isn’t even any sound, except…

A sonorous song echoes through the swamp. It sounds like maybe… a work song? But I can’t exactly place the words, or where it is coming from.

I look back. I see only mist. Why do I feel so boxed in? So trapped? Why can I only go forward, even if it seems like I’m going nowhere?

How can I actually progress?

:writing_hand: Use my notation supplies to mark trees and landmarks. I can think my way through this!

🎵 I can follow that voice!

🌠 I can try to use a star as a constant to orient myself and find my way out of this swamp.

⚫️ Submit to the darkness.

Are other options allowed?

[The players responded with a variety of other emoji, which prompted the warning.]

Stay on the path, Carl. I won’t warn you again.


[Several of Carl’s past messages started changing or disappearing from the Discord. Each message, I’d delete a random bit of Carl’s history, signifying that he had been losing himself in the mist.

I used the phrase “I look back.” in italics to signify any time I had made a change to the past messages or to indicate that there was something in past messages that could help Carl at this point.]

I can try to use a star as a constant to orient myself and find my way out of this swamp.

Through the mist I can make out a light in the sky. I note its position relative to my own, and I begin traveling towards it.

I bump a root and when I look back, the star is behind me.

I turn and head towards the star, careful to mind my step without losing sight of the star. The mist thickens in the sky.

I look around again and see the star to my right!

I take a moment and eat 🍃 in frustration.

:writing_hand: Use my notation supplies to mark trees and landmarks. I can think my way through this…

🎵 I can follow that song…

⚫️ Submit to the darkness.

[:writing_hand: and other emoji won majority.]

Do I even have control here? What agency can I exert? Why am I even sticking to the path? What path is there? What force holds me to it?

Stay on the path, Carl.

Says who! Huh?!

It’s for your own good. The Fate you created cannot protect you here.

I’ll be the judge of that!

I look quickly around and decide a direction to confidently walk. I take one bold step and I feel adrenaline rush into my veins.


I can feel the freedom.

Another. And my foot keeps going. Sinking.

My whole body goes down into the mire.

:writing_hand: won majority

I’m sinking underwater but still some part of me wants to continue forward as if nothing happened.

Maybe I can use my notation supplies and think my way through the mist!

A shadow looms over me in the mire.

No, Carl. You are wavering. You should have stuck to the trail. [There were nonstandard reactions. I am not returned to the safety of the trail.]

What does that even mean?!

Maybe I can push out! Maybe this is some kind of trick or illusion or something! I strain and kick my legs. Maybe I remember how to swim; maybe I don’t. Either way, the muck pushes against me with greater force and pulls me further down.

A shame. I would have thought you’d remember basic safety. [I wasn’t strong enough to break free. A nonstandard response did not receive the most votes.]

I hear something plunge into the water. It catches my leg and pulls me up. I close my eyes.

I feel myself drift.

I hear a familiar song.

[CW insect]

The net pulls me into a boat. Standing over me is a large Pentatomid.

“Looks like you took a nasty fall there Carl.” His voice rings deep through his proboscis as he untangles me.

“Why does everyone,” I cough, “everyone in this swamp seem to know my name?”

He steps back and begins to oar us away.

“So you don’t remember?” I shake my head.

“That bad, huh?”

We drift in silence.

We come to a house built into the base of a tree. A fire glows within.

“Come on in. I’ve got tea.” I ignore the blatant fire safety violations and follow him inside.

I look around. Just more swamp and mist as far as I can see. I head inside and set down my pack.

He passes me a small wooden cup with an earthy liquid inside.

“Name’s Yag. I, uh. I reckon you forgot.” I nod and take a sip. It’s not bad, but it’s strong. Sugary.

“Lucky I found you when I did, huh?”

“Yeah, thank you! What… What was happening out there?”

“Oh, you know, it’s one of those.” He waves a leg around. “Old Gods or what-have-you. Some old something-or-another with so much power in his slice of the world that he thinks he knows what’s best for everyone in it.”

He pours me more tea. “He knew my name.”

“I reckon it’s cus you told it to him.”

“But I don’t-”

“Yeah. You don’t remember.”

He puts a log on the fire. “It’s weird what the world’ll do to you.”

“What do you mean?” I hold close to the warm cup and take a sip.

“It can make you lose yourself. Forget things. Why you’re somewhere, how you got there, who you are, who you were, who you knew.”

I sit in his old wooden chair. He tidies some things.

“Feel free to stay the night if you need to.”

He starts through a door. “Hey, Yag?”

He turns. “Hm?”

❓ “What’s the deal with this swamp?”

✋ “I keep seeing this… hand. It came out of a tub full of blood and I don’t know what its deal is.”

🚸 “Do you know anything about a weird kid made of a kind of like, dark static?”

:handshake: “How do we know each other? I mean, I know the answer is that I forgot but what’s our relationship? How many times have we met?”

🏃 “How can I get out of this swamp?”

:bed: “… Nothing. I’m just tired.”

Or something else.


“How do we know each other? I mean, I know the answer is that I forgot but what’s our relationship? How many times have we met?”

How many times? Well I, uh. I haven’t really counted but we’ve known each other a long time, kid. It’s been a while but this time seems different.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I mean, you and my kid used to-”

“Your kid?”

“Yeah you and my kid were friends back in the day. You two grew in… different directions. They grew into more of a… I guess you’d call it a jock? Is that the right term for a sports-minded person?

“Anyway, and you were more, uh… what’s the nice way to say this?”

“A nerd?”

“A ner- Haha!” He grabs his belly and laughs. “Haha! I was thinking just more, I dunno, philosophical. Nothing wrong with it. Just different interests and aptitudes. I mean, they had aptitudes for things, like magics or whatever, but their interests moved more towards… hitting the ball.

“Not sure why that was what they were drawn to, but I supported them.” He grabbed his cup and took a drink.

“This isn’t a place people should live long term though. Inhospitable. Cruel.” The fire crackles.

“Anyway, I know there’s more going on up there. What’s burning through that noggin of yours?”

❓ “Sorry, uh. I had another question about your kid… Where are they now?”

☁️ “What’s the deal with this swamp?”

✋ “I keep seeing this… hand. It came out of a tub full of blood and I don’t know what its deal is.”

🚸 “Do you know anything about a weird kid made of a kind of like, dark static?”

🏃 “How can I get out of this swamp?”

:bed: “… Nothing. I’m just tired.”

I cannot submit to the darkness here.

Or something else.

“Sorry, uh. I had another question about your kid.” Yag nods his head and takes a seat. “Where are they now?”

“Well, I, uh, if I’m bein’ honest, I ain’t exactly sure, but I do know they wanted to play this new fancy thing called blaseball. You never were a fan.”

“Yeah, my mom said it was too dangerous.”

“Hah! Classic Carol…”

“I guess I wasn’t interested in it anyway.” How did I remember that? I glance around the room. Cooking supplies, herbs, fishing supplies. It’s like all Yag does is cook and eat.

“Anyway, Oz always had this obsession with *strength* and *competition.* Never fully understood it, but I supported ’em because I raised ’em and that’s what a parent needs to do.”

I nod and take a sip.

“It’s like, y’know there’s this thing where folks ask a kid, ‘What do you wanna be when you grow up?’ like the kid has any idea of the trajectory of their life at age I dunno 6 or whatever.

“And the kid says ‘I wanna be a firefighter!’ or ‘I wanna be an astronaut!’ and it’s not your job as an adult to tell them how hard it’ll be. Because they probably will never come close to their childhood dream job anyway; they’ll be a different person by then!” He throws his arms up.

“Anyway, the point is that the kid has something they care about and they want someone in the world to care about them. They wanna know they’re cared for and supported.” He slurps his drink.

“And I guess for Oscar it was proving they were capable and powerful.” I yawn. “Anyway, sorry. Don’t mean to bore you with the ramblings of an old bug.”

“No! Nonono! Not at all! I just… I was wandering out there for a while and I lost my tent and-” He holds up a leg.

“It’s fine, kid. I’ll give ya one more question and then off to bed with you.”

☁️ “What’s the deal with this swamp?”

✋ “I keep seeing this… hand. It came out of a tub full of blood and I don’t know what its deal is.”

🚸 “Do you know anything about a weird kid made of a kind of like, dark static?”

🏃 “How can I get out of this swamp?”

:bed: “I think I’ll take an IOU on the question. I’m way too sleepy right now.”

I cannot submit to the darkness here.

Or something else.


“I did actually have one more question.” I walk to my pack and pull out the letter. Yag reaches a leg out to get a closer look.

I hand it over. He holds it close to his face. The firelight dances.

“‘My love,’ huh?” He hands it back to me. “And what’s that the-”

“It’s a ball, but like, the lesbian flag.”

“Huh. Neat.”

I hold the letter tight and then put it back.

“What was your question?”*

“I think it’s why I’m here.”

“You’re a postman now?”*

“I think so.”

“Good for you. Fine profession.”

He slurps.

“I don’t know why you’re here, Carl.”

I hold my cup and stare at the dwindling fire. “Yeah, me neither.”

“That’s what it does to you, the dark.”

He stands up from his chair. *”You forget, lose yourself.”*

I nod.

“This place isn’t good for anyone. But it’s home to so many people.

“I know who your letter is for.”

“You do?!”

“Yeah but-” He walks back towards his bedroom. “You’re not alone, though. You never were. Just remember that.”

“Wait- Where am I supposed to go?”

“I don’t know, Carl. I’m sorry.”

“But can you tell me something about the recipient? I don’t really have anything to go on.”

He sighs. “You’ll need a blade. You’ll need a companion. You’ll need armor. You’ll need luck. And most importantly, Carl?”


“You can use that throw there as a blanket. Good night.”

I cozy up near the fire and wrap myself in the throw rug and drift to sleep.

I dream of what I’ve lost.

🔥 Friends.

🧠 Purpose.

❤️ Companion.

:shield: Armor.

:coin: Luck.


Sleeping in the light, feel my heart’s hole lit;
Shadow of absence illuminated.
Where are you now? I feel you gone now that
I know you could be right here by my side.
I will need you with me, your fuzzy form.
Long body, narrow nose, no legs in sight?
How can you move? Ancient mystery.
The comfort you bring me when I look in
Lightly glued google eyes, barely clung on.
Hopelessly lost in swamp’s mist without you.
Where is your guidance? Pulling me along,
Guided by a string, you show me the way.

I see you now there on the mountain’s peak.
I hope you are warm, my sweet wiggle worm.

[Cw cooked fish]
[I am now Well Rested.]

I hear sizzling. I smell the grill. I blink.

“Ey, morning.” Yag moves a stone from the top of the stove.

“Good timing. Breakfast is ready. You like fish?”

“Uh, yeah. Yeah, I think I do.”

“Good because I can’t eat it so I hope you do Haha!” He moves the fish to a plate. “C’mon, sit.”

We make small talk through breakfast and then he starts to clean up as I still try to fully wake up.

“I had the… weirdest dream… about a worm.”

“Uh huh.”

“It was a… if I’m being completely honest it was a pretty poorly written sonnet. It didn’t even rhyme!”

“It doesn’t have to rhyme to be good.”

“Yeah but…”

He finishes cleaning up. Without thinking, I put my pack on.

“But yeah, you gotta go.”

“I think I do.”

He puts a leg on my shoulder. “I know you do.” We smile.

He looks down a moment.

“Anything else you need before you head out?”

🌄 “I need to find this… ‘mountain’s peak.’ Any ideas?”

💌 “I feel like there’s something you aren’t telling me about the letter.”

☁️ “What’s the deal with this swamp?”

✋ “I keep seeing this… hand. It came out of a tub full of blood and I don’t know what its deal is.”

🚸 “Do you know anything about a weird kid made of a kind of like, dark static?”

🏃 “How can I get out of this swamp?”

I cannot submit to the darkness here.

Or something else.


“I feel like there’s something you aren’t telling me about the letter.”

“Haha! Should’ve known it was a question.”

“Heh, sorry.”

“No it’s fine. It’s fine, kid.”

“It wasn’t a question though.”

“Yeah you got me there, kid.”

He sighs. “You’ve done this quest before, Carl.”

“I kinda gathered that.”

“No, I mean, they send you to deliver a letter and there’s no way to fully prepare you because this place changes itself and it changes-” He finds his tea. “It changes you. There’s no way of knowing how.”

I nod.

“But what they’re doing is choosing to live apart, in different worlds, literally. Because they’re scared.” He sets down his drink. “And it’s costing you. All of you. But especially you, Carl.”

I glance around the room. Utilitarian decor. No pictures.

“Why didn’t you want to tell me?”

“I’m not gonna answer that, Carl. I can’t.”


“But I can answer other questions if you have ’em before you continue on your quest. But I can’t keep giving ’em away for free at this point. I got questions of my own.”


He nods. “How’s my kid doing?”

:shrug: “I’m sorry, Yag. I don’t remember.”

:fingers_crossed: I lie. “They’re doing really well, Yag. You’d be proud.”

:shrug: 🐐

The windows shake and whistle. Winds rush down the chimney, freeing a small ember. Yag stamps it out.

“I’m sorry, Yag. I just…”

“You don’t remember. It’s fine. You did your best. What’s your question, kid?”

🌄 “I need to find this… ‘mountain’s peak.’ Any ideas?”

☁️ “What’s the deal with this swamp?”

✋ “I keep seeing this… hand. It came out of a tub full of blood and I don’t know what its deal is.”

🚸 “Do you know anything about a weird kid made of a kind of like, dark static?”

🏃 “How can I get out of this swamp?”

I cannot submit to the darkness here.

Or something else.


The wind continues.

“I need to find this… ‘mountain’s peak.’ Any ideas?”

Yeah it’s all ridges up here, to go up, you gotta go down.”

I nod. “Obviously.”

“Yeah just find a cave or something and head to the lowest point. Go low enough and you’ll end up inside a mountain. Go to the lowest point-”

“Mountain’s peak.” He nods.

“Alright, kid. I’ve kept you long enough. You’d better get going.”

“Aww. One more question?”

“Alright, alright. One more question.”

“Don’t I have to give you something?”

“Yeah you gotta get outta my house, that’s what you can give me…”

☁️ “What’s the deal with this swamp?”

✋ “I keep seeing this… hand. It came out of a tub full of blood and I don’t know what its deal is.”

🚸 “Do you know anything about a weird kid made of a kind of like, dark static?”

🏃 “How can I get out of this swamp?”

I cannot submit to the darkness here.

Or something else.

“So I keep seeing this… hand. It came out of this tub full of blood and I don’t know what its deal is.”


“Yeah it is pretty spooky but I think it put me in a grass field and then after the whole blood tub thing I decided to try to talk to it and it ran away which led me to this whole… area thing.”

“Uh huh?”

“And I couldn’t see it and then a little demon kid thing pushed me off a cliff and then the hand saved me! And it ran away, like… to the horizon.”

“Wow, Carl, that’s…”

“And it sounds like creaking wood and it’s got a very long arm and I don’t know what’s on the other end of the arm.”

Yag sets down his drink and shakes his head. “So, uh. What it sounds to me like. Is, uh. This place.” He waves his legs.

“Like not this swamp, but here. This other place you’re in…

“It makes things physical, tangible, that otherwise wouldn’t be.”

“What do you mean? Like this hand was around me and I just couldn’t see it or feel it?”

“Well… I mean, yeah, that’s kinda, what I said.”

“Oh, right, sorry.”

“No, I mean. Nothing to apologize for I just… This place is weird and the hand. I don’t know it, but if I had to guess, some force followed you here. And your will-”

“My will?”

“Let me finish. Your will made it real. Well, not real. Not the right word. More like your will made it physical.”

“So you’re saying there was some invisible, intangible force guiding me along and protecting me on my fated journey into an unknown land that I somehow manifested into being real so I could both know where I needed to go and to not die?”

“Uh.” He grabbed his drink. “Maybe. It’s a theory.”

“So you’re saying I’m being followed by this kind of… Visible Hand of Fate.”

“Get outta my house, Carl.”

I laugh. “Thank you for your help, Yag!”

“Thank you for stopping by, Carl. Good to see you. You take care of yourself, alright, kid?”

[folks put a :hug: emoji on this message]

I give Yag a hug before I set out into the mist.

“Take care, kid.”

I wander a bit further out until I see a few all-too-familiar trees.

But the wind blows.

A black flame appears in the murky earth and grows into a circle. A massive dark figure arises from the flames.

Horns first, then wings, then the massive torso and the rest until an impossibly powerfully-built goat-like demon figure stands before me.

Their voice shakes the world around it. “Carl.” They nod.

I nod in reply. They continue past me, towards Yag’s house.

I look into the misty swamp ahead of me. I take a swig of water from my canteen.

I look around. I see no vegetation except the old trees and vines. I can’t see or hear any wildlife.

“Okay.” I take a breath. “Time for round 2.” I step forward.

I pretty much tried everything I could think of last time, so… What’s my strategy?

:writing_hand: I didn’t try using my notation supplies. Maybe if I mark trees as I pass them, I can make some kind of progress.

⚫️ Submit to the darkness.

There has to be something else.

:writing_hand: 🔮

I didn’t try using my notation supplies. Maybe if I mark trees as I pass them, I can make some kind of progress.

I chalk a branch as I walk by and I take a left. I chalk another tree and continue straight. I see the first tree again. I chalk it again and continue straight. I see the second tree again, chalk it again, and take a left.

And then I see the first tree again.

Whatever is happening is clearly sending me in loops. I just need to maybe find the one combination out? Or maybe force my way out? I don’t know.

Oh! I get an idea. I prop myself against a tree and reach into my pack and pull out the crystal ball 🔮.

I hold it high. “Uhh oracle can you hear me?”

The air is still. The orb glows dimly.


Oh! It needs starlight! Maybe if I’m a little higher… I climb to a branch and reach the orb into the air.

It crests the edge of the mist and I call out.

“@/oracle Heed my call! I require your aid!”

The orb glows.

🔮 Leximancer Launchpad (he/him)
A swirling fog forms inside the orb, and three or more distinct faces leer into view. They are already talking.

“According to the prophecy here, Carl is going to do the orb thing any moment now. Remember what we practi — oh!

One face seems startled by Carl’s appearance. He nods to the others, puts on some reading glasses and draws out what appears to be hastily-scrawled parchment.

“Oh! Hello, Oracle! I am Carl and-”

🔮 elliot from chicago (they/them)
beware the mist and

🔮 Moth (any pronouns)
clear vision above, careful of falling

🔮 Leximancer Launchpad (he/him)
Our message, Carl, regards this swampy gloom.

Ranger Carl
“Oh there’s a lot of you in there.”

🔮 Leximancer Launchpad (he/him)
It follows you as a servant of doom.

🔮 Moth (any pronouns)
Branches are brittle, slippery when wet

🔮 elliot from chicago (they/them)
heed our warning still. you must

🔮 Leximancer Launchpad (he/him)
you’ll escape upwards and outwards; assume

Ranger Carl
“Wait, what. You’re all talking at once. Hold on”

🔮 Moth (any pronouns)
You may see something waiting and calling
Don’t make a mistake you will soon regret

🔮 elliot from chicago (they/them)
not lose your way, dear

🔮 Leximancer Launchpad (he/him)
that you’re buried here — please play Peggle 2!

Over the top of the voices, the orb launches into a video advertisement for a game about hitting pegs with balls.

Ranger Carl
“Oh jeez, an ad?!”

🔮 elliot from chicago (they/them)
that’s not the line

🔮 Leximancer Launchpad (he/him)

🔮 elliot from chicago (they/them)
come on we had a whole thing prepared you’re ruining it

🔮 Moth (any pronouns)
a whole thing!!!!

🔮 Leximancer Launchpad (he/him)
ugh sorry I had that in mind from my other job lemme do that one again
“that you’re buried here — and you must exhume…”
are we good now?

🔮 elliot from chicago (they/them)

🔮 Moth (any pronouns)
yeah, jeez, anyways

Ranger Carl
“Wait, hold on, uh. venerable oracles. I, uh, I kinda need a hand here.”

🔮 elliot from chicago (they/them)
okay fine carl i’ll say it again listen closely

🔮 Leximancer Launchpad (he/him)
Were our cryptic poems not good enough for you?

🔮 elliot from chicago (they/them)

🔮 Moth (any pronouns)
cant believe this

Ranger Carl
“Well, no they were great. It’s just when you’re all- Oh jeez.”

🔮 Leximancer Launchpad (he/him)
clear vision above, careful of falling come on you’ve got this just figure it out

🔮 elliot from chicago (they/them)

🔮 Moth (any pronouns)
Wait that’s mine!!!

🔮 Leximancer Launchpad (he/him)
I got my pages mixed up, I’m sorry

Ranger Carl
“Okay, okay. beware the mist. Got it. Don’t fall… Look clearly…”

🔮 elliot from chicago (they/them)

🔮 Moth (any pronouns)

🔮 Leximancer Launchpad (he/him)
there once was a turtle in yellowstone
who stumbled and tripped on a stone
wait, I can’t rhyme stone with stone, that’s terrible

🔮 elliot from chicago (they/them)
oh my god this is a mess
carl you got this. we believe in you buddy

🔮 Leximancer Launchpad (he/him)
To be fair, the prophecy did say we’d screw this up. We tried our hardest not to but

Ranger Carl
“Okay, uh. Everyone-

“Thank you. I appreciate that… Do we need to do a poem thing? Can you just… give me what I need to know?”

🔮 Leximancer Launchpad (he/him)
I’ve got another note here that I don’t remember writing. It says “If all seems lost, you can ascend, and find peace.”

🔮 Moth (any pronouns)
you’ll figure it out — we believe in you!! Or at least, I do! 😃

Ranger Carl
“Oh, okay. That seems pretty actionable.”

🔮 Leximancer Launchpad (he/him)
We must retire. The down comforter between worlds grows thicker, warmer and softer. I feel sleepy…

Ranger Carl
“Thank you for your guidance, oh great oracles!”

I lower the orb from the starlight and the figures fade…

[3 poems:
beware the mist and
heed our warning still. you must
not lose your way, dear

clear vision above, careful of falling
Branches are brittle, slippery when wet
You may see something waiting and calling
Don’t make a mistake you will soon regret

Our message, Carl, regards this swampy gloom.
It follows you as a servant of doom.
You’ll escape upwards and outwards; assume
that you’re buried here — and you must exhume…]

[2 bonus poems
there once was a turtle in yellowstone
who stumbled and tripped on a stone
alas he was stuck
stranded in muck
Lost and forgotten: Alone

beware the mist and
heed our warning still; you must
stop interrupting]

Okay, so… If I’m interpreting Their messages correctly, I need to… go up or to climb above the mist.

In hindsight, that makes sense because when I lifted the orb out of the mist, it was able to reach the starlight. But also, I don’t know why I would’ve known to do that if I didn’t try to use the orb…

What a weird system we’re working with here…

Anyway, next steps. I need to climb. I need to be careful. I need to get a Purpose, Companion, Armor, and Luck. To get my Companion, I need to get to “Mountain’s Peak” which will require me to go to the lowest point.

But first, I need to get out of this swamp.

I pull out my climbing gear and get to work. *[I don’t see any reason to make us vote here. Just gonna have Carl do it.]*

Once I’ve (carefully) reached the top of an old tree, I’m able to reach my head just above the fog cloud.

Looking up, I see the blue stars. All 15 present and accounted for, no more, no less.

Around me, I can see the edges of the swamp. On one end, I see the cliff face and waterfall that brought me here. On another, a separate ridge covered in sharp edges and craggy surfaces.

At the very center of the swamp lies a massive tree, reaching nearly to the sky. At its trunk, I see the glowing red “star” that fell here shortly before I did.

Up here, I may not be able to travel the easiest, but I can at least make some progress.

So, where to?

:rock: Rocky ridge!

◀️ Head back to the ridge I was on!

🌳 To the heart of the swamp!

⚫️ Submit to the darkness!

Or something else.


To the heart of the swamp!

I can make jumps and swings to move closer to the center of the swamp while staying as high as possible.

Each time I drop below the mist, I end up at some point further away, so I swing from treetop to treetop as best I can, careful to limit my time dipping back into the mist. I’m making progress, but it’s slow and arduous.

By the time I reach the base of the tree, my stomach growls, so I take a moment to selfcare a bit while I look at the scale of my task ahead. 🍃 🍼 [I have enough water and food for next time I need some, but after that, I will probably need more.]

The mist swirls in circles around the tree, almost as if it’s looking for an opening.

The top of the tree reaches for the stars. Its leaves seeming to extend with every sway in the breeze.

Halfway up, I see the resting place of the star, a glowing red alcove seemingly burned into the tree.

☁️ What’s the deal with this mist? Maybe I can investigate somehow.

🌠 To the star!

🆙 To the top!

⚫️ To the darkness!, submit

Or something else.


Obviously I’m going to go to that star!

I rub my hands together and get my climbing gear ready. (This stuff has really come in handy!)

The tree seems to move underneath me, its vines twisting as I climb. I lose my grip a couple times, but I’m able to recover and make my way to the alcove.

I crawl onto flat ground and into a wide circular room.

Covering a majority of the room is a giant golden coin. Its diameter is at least ten times my height. It glows brightly red and has the symbol of a star etched into its face. It still sizzles with heat.

“Is that an adventurer, I see?” A voice calls down. It feels as if it comes from everywhere, but somehow I can tell the speaker is far away. The voice feels serene, like running a hand softly through a flower patch.

“Uh, yes?”

“Oh, good! Could you do me a favor, little adventurer? I see you see the coin that has rudely made its way into the side of my tree? Could you remove it for me, dear?”

☑️ “Of course!”

❓ “May I ask why? Also, who are you?”

❌ “No, I think it kinda looks nice here.”

⚫️ Can I get uhhh Submit to the darkness?

Or something else.


“Of course! I’m here to help!”

I move a little closer to size it up. There’s a gap behind the coin so I can maybe wedge something back there.

It seems to slowly be burning its way through the tree. I pull out some rope and touch it to the coin. The end catches fire. I stamp it out.

Hmm. How can I get this thing out of here?

⚫️ Submit to the darkness?

Or something else.


Oh, yeah obviously! I just need a massive magnet to pull this thing out. Why didn’t I think of that?

It’s so simple!

I should just, make a magnet!

So now I’ll just…

Do that.

I look around.

“Uh, ma’am?”

“Yes, little adventurer?”

(Wait, how did I know her gender? Weird… anyway, no time for that) “Do you know how to make a, uh, magnet?”

The bark hums around me. “Hmmmm. If I recall correctly, we would need electricity and some metal.”

“Okay, I can use some of my climbing gear probably for the metal, but, hmm…” I rub my chin.

“Lacking in a strong enough electrical current? I might have a suggestion.”


“Well, it may not be to your liking, but we can create electricity using the natural forces around us. I can disrupt the polarity in the earth and perhaps we can convince another to disrupt the polarity of the air. What do you think, little adventurer?”

“Hmm, theoretically that could work. What’s the part I won’t like?”

“Well, you will need to strike an accord with the Master of Mists that would convince him to work with me, but, of course, I would need my safety guaranteed.”

“Guaranteed from what?”


◀️ I head back down the tree to talk to the Master of Mists.

⚫️ Maybe instead I can get out of this if I submit to the darkness.

Or something else.


“Little adventurer, I feel the wind shifting. I recommend you allow us to aid you with the forces of nature. You do not know the danger you are courting.”

◀️ Okay, that sounds scary so instead I’ll head back down the tree to talk to the Master of Mists.

⚫️ Oh, great point, ma’am. I think instead of voting windy I’ll submit to the darkness.

Or something else.


The winds swirl. Clouds begin to gather overhead.

“Please, Carl. You have to stop before it’s too late!”

“I don’t know what I’m doing!”

“Please, just go talk to him! ◀ It’s not too late to stop this!”


“Such a shame.”

[CW descriptions of a catastrophic natural disaster; major character death]

I feel the tree shake as something massive lifts off the top of it. I hear wingbeats as the clouds grow thick.

“Think of all the good we could have done together.”

The branches stop reaching for stars. The vines stop dancing. Leaves begin to fall, as the rain hits.

I see a flash of light. And then an explosion. And then another. The wind whips me against the wall of the alcove. Rain rushes in.

The tree bows to the force of the wind.

Flash. Boom.

The rain sizzles against the burning coin.

Flash. Boom.

I can no longer distinguish between the lightning and the thunder.

I feel the air shift around me.

I duck and cover my ears. I hold my heels close, and the tree is engulfed in light and noise.

And fire.

It immediately begins to buckle against its own weight.

After the crash, I come to with the coin in the muck beside me.

Luckily, a number of rocks provided a safe space for me to land without getting crushed in the weight of the falling tree.

I groan. [I have Boo Boos.]

I hear another groan nearby. I rush over and I see Oscar Dollie standing, holding a large portion of the tree, and underneath him, injured. “Yag!” I call out.

“We need to move him to safety. Quickly.”

“Why? What’s going on?!”

“Hey, kid, good to see ya again,” Yag groans.

“Carl, you have to gather the fruit from the tree and you have to go. Take him, and go.” Oscar grunts and tosses the wood to the side. I see the trajectory of the tree went straight into Yag’s house. It’s a good thing Oz was here.

I try to lift Yag, to no avail. Oscar climbs up on top of the fallen tree and engulfs themself in black flame. A bat appears in their hands. The world shakes around them.

“Go get the fruit. You can come back for me!”

“Carl! Now! I can hold him off!” I look further down the tree.

The mist thickens, and the six-legged figure appears. It rears its wicked antlers, and it screams. Oscar bats away the mist.

I run.

I hear crashes and grunts and screams behind me. Lightning strikes and takes down another tree. The swamp is flooding. If that thing is the Master of Mists and it gains power from water, this can’t be good!

I push the thought from my mind as I reach the top of the tree.

I see several golden fruit clinging to the branches. Their quality is rapidly deteriorating. I pluck the brightest one I see just before another tree crashes into the rest.

I rush back to Yag and Oz.

Oscar is injured and breathing heavily. The Master of Mists advances.

I rush to Yag’s side.

“Okay, I got it! I got it!”

“Good, kid. You did great.” He breaths heavily.

“Get him and g- Agh!” A spear of mist cuts across Oscar’s arm, knocking the bat from their hands.

“You and I both know we can’t make it out of here, Carl.”

“No, Carl! Get him and go!”

The figure advances, unimpeded. Foolish children. Give me what I need, Carl. Your friends will live.

Yag looks to me. “It’s time.”


“Do it now. Make sure the fruit is in your pack, and do it.”

🔪 🔮 🔦

I grab Yag’s hand tight.

“I know it’s scary. I know you don’t know what will happen, but it’s the only way, Carl.”

Oz calls out, “Carl, don’t submit! I can defeat him!”

Yag chuckles. “Oh, Oz…”

The Master of Mists approaches. I feel the air thicken around me.


I reach for my pack. Yag puts his hand on mine.

“It’s alright, Carl.”

“No!” I pull out my knife, and rush towards the creature. The mists harden and trip me. The knife clatters to the ground, just out of reach.

I crawl towards it, and just before I reach the knife, an antler lodges itself between my back and my pack. It lifts me from the ground.

So sweet how you resist. Here. The knife floats back to my hand. I snatch it and slash at the Master’s face, but the knife passes through without effect.

Carl. Give me the fruit.

He lifts a foot over Yag.

Yag looks me in the eyes and nods.


“It was so nice to see you both again.”

[About 5 minutes after that message, I deleted the channel and created a new channel with just this image]

(photo credit Bryony Richards

[Part 3 is here]

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